Unused Embryos: Choices and Challenges


Maya Grobel is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and psychotherapist in private practice where she specializes in supporting individuals and couples struggling to conceive or building their family in alternative ways. Maya is also co-founder of EM•POWER with Moxi, a company focused on education, support and logistics in embryo donation. Maya and her TV producer husband Noah made a feature length film documenting their tumultuous journey to parenthood, which ended with the birth of their daughter who was conceived via embryo donation. The film, called One More Shot, debuted on Netflix in January 2018 and is now available on Amazon Prime.

Maya Grobel:

EM•POWER with Moxi: https://www.empowerwithmoxi.com/
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Dvora Entin: 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dvoraentin


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