‘Caregiving When Running on Empty’

Tonight at 8:30 PM EDT: Mrs. Dvora Entin, LCSW, will give practical tips on caring for others when emotional resources are low, at an online event hosted by Neshamos.org.

Please join Neshamos virtually for a Monday night zoom session.

In this trying time, we often find ourselves in the precarious position of needing to be there for our families to a much greater extent than normal whilst also grappling with issues of our own.

We’ll be hearing from Mrs. Dvora Entin, LCSW, PMG-C about maintaining a balanced approach and making the most of personal emotional resources to be able to be there for those that rely on us without suffering personal burnout.

Dvora Entin, LCSW, PMH-C has developed programs for JFCS in both Phoenix and Philadelphia to address the unique mental health needs of the Orthodox Jewish Community, with a special interest in maternal wellness, infertility, culturally nuanced care, and general mental health.

With specialized certification from PSI in maternal mental health and Compassionate Bereavement Support by the MISS Foundation in perinatal death, Dvora moderates monthly Pregnancy Loss and Infertility phone support calls, with the participation from across the country.

In 2017, her BLOOM program to engage the Jewish Community on Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders won a Perinatal Mental Health Society Innovation award in partnership with 2020MOM. Dvora maintains a private practice in Philadelphia and consults and presents nationally about reproductive health matters.


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